Otay Mesa East - Mesa de Otay II Toll Revenue Agreement Signed

  • This border crossing will be the first to have a single collection point.

U.S. and Mexican authorities signed the Revenue Collection and Distribution Agreement for the new Mesa de Otay II - Otay Mesa East port of entry.

This follows the Memorandum of Understanding, signed in June 2021, which established the intention of both countries to alleviate traffic congestion and collect revenue based on variable tolls. The toll will be collected in both northbound and southbound directions through a single point located in California.

The Undersecretary of Infrastructure of the Ministry of Infrastructure, Communications and Transportation (SICT), Jorge Nuño Lara, said that the new Mesa de Otay II crossing port would generate significant savings in operating costs by having a single toll booth, as well as considerable time savings for users.

The official highlighted the technology and the innovative operation of the new port of entry, such as the interchangeable lanes, through intelligent transportation systems connected between the two countries.

Roberto Velasco, head of North America for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (SRE), commented that these projects are fundamental to continuing with the integration of North American supply chains.

In addition, a Binational Working Group was created as a non-governmental administrative body to determine the processes related to the setting of rates, collection, and distribution of revenues, with the support of the North American Development Bank.

Long-term toll revenues are estimated to be approximately 5.3 billion pesos (265.6 million dollars) through 2062 and will be distributed equally between the San Diego Association of Governments (Sandag) and the SICT.

The opening of this new border port will decrease wait times in the region, relieving vehicular traffic at nearby crossings.

Source: SICT.


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